
Divorce is War!

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?”

2 Corinthians 6:14 ESV

If you are in the midst of standing for your marriage and profess to be a Bible believing follower of Christ, you’ve likely encountered attacks not only from your prodigal, but also from the forces of darkness that seek to destroy the holy covenant made between the Lord and your spouse.

Today, as we witness the daily battles between the forces of light and darkness, I can’t help but recognize how the entities standing against the kingdom of God have literally all come together to undermine and attack the name of Christ and His followers. While posing as agents of righteousness and justice, their words and deeds communicate something entirely different. Recently, I read the mission statements of one of the organizations in the current national spotlight. It read, “…to disrupt the western-prescribed nuclear family structure”. Christians know full well who the author of creation is, and recognize His design for marriage and family. We should easily be able to discern what message is from God and what isn’t. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

Far too many who have seen their husbands or wives leave the home and marriage to pursue a life of sin have given in to pressure from the world and well intentioned family members who believe divorce to be the right path. Hearing things like, “It’s for the best” or “You deserve to be happy” sound good, but when you break it all down, these words of advice all lead to the same place. And while some may be able to rationalize this in their minds, there is no escaping the fact that to pursue divorce is to pursue what God hates.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10 ESV

As we consider who and what we are aligning ourselves with, it is so vitally important that we ground ourselves in the Word of God. We must not yield to advice encouraging us to go along with the wisdom of the world or to walk away and move on from our marriages. The enemy has allies on every corner. Even professing Christians can be used to do Satan’s bidding. Be mindful of this while assessing your situation. When it comes to discerning the right path, do so with a heavenly and eternal perspective. Divorce is death and destruction. The path that honors Christ leads to life and fulfillment.

The forces of darkness have been at war with Christ since the beginning of creation. Satan and the demonic realm constantly seek to destroy and thwart God’s plan and will. Marriage and family are their primary targets. The reason is simple; divorce is a destroyer. The damage done to husbands, wives and innocent children caught in the middle have long lasting consequences. So much is the devastation, that the repercussions of divorce can be felt for generations. It is for this reason, standing for your marriage is so vitally important. For the sake of the cross, your testimony, and the message of the Gospel, earnestly seek the Lord during these trying times. Keep your eyes focussed squarely on Christ. Your persistence and steadfastness in the midst of the storm will largely determine the extent to which glory is given to the Father. Know that the purpose of your very existence is to give praise and honor to Him. It is our sole mission. Remember these words today, and as we do, may the banner we carry always point towards the promises of God and His eternal truths. Stand for your marriage and for Jesus!

In Christ,

Tommy Larson
Purposed Marriage

6 thoughts on “Divorce is War!”

  1. Thank you guys so very much! Your e-mails and podcasts keep me encouraged and focused. My marriage is in God’s hands now because your ministry and that of Rejoice Marriage ministries keeping me trusting in Him. Keep up the amazing and hopeful work!!! Keiran

    1. Thank you for listening Keiran! Hold fast to the Lord and His truths! Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV

  2. How do you feel about leaving an abusive marriage after counseling did not help? Should people continue to be abused? Should we allow children to continue to suffer mental and physical abuse?

  3. Do you have any advice for someone whose wife is moved out and won’t talk to me has blocked me on Facebook and is doing the strong independent woman role that doesn’t need a man? I want to save my marriage there is no communication at all and she is still pursuing divorce…..

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